Monday, July 20, 2009

Read but not reviewed - Where Do I start?

I haven't posted many reviews lately but I have been reading. Eleven books are staring at me accusingly, wondering why they have been neglected.

Help a blogger out and leave a comment if there are titles you would like me to review first. I could approach the stack alphabetically by author but that's a bit dull. I would like to write about them before I forget what I read.

  • Bolton, S.J. - Awakening

  • Brewer, Gil - Wild to Possess/A Taste for Sin

  • Connelly, Michael - The Scarecrow

  • Fairstein, Linda (ed.) - The Prosecution Rests. Short stories about courtrooms, criminals, and the law.

  • McKinty, Adrian - Fifty Grand

  • Miller, Wade - The Killer/Devil on Two Sticks.

  • Padura, Leonardo - Havana Black. A police detective story set in Cuba and written by a Cuban.

  • Rabe, Peter - Murder Me for Nickels/Benny Muscles In

  • Sallis, James - Cripple Creek

  • Stahl, Jerry - Pain Killers

  • Van der Vlugt, Simone - The Reunion


  1. I'm really curious about the second SJ Bolton book as I really enjoyed the first one. And The Reunion sounds good from the blurb but it's another one I haven't read reviews of.

    If I don't write a review within a couple of days of finishing the book I may as well not bother as my memory is really awful so I am impressed that you can even think of doing it :)

  2. I'm always full of good intentions about reviewing what I read, but often there are books that fall between the cracks.

    Sometimes it's because I don't feel I've much to say about them, either not being especially passionate about them, or struggling to find a hook to hang a review from.

    More often it's a case of not being disciplined enough to have a notebook with me where I can scribble down some raw materials as I read - this is the single biggest boost to reviewing productivity.

    Agree with Bernadette about the value of doing things quickly, although there are times when taking a bit of distance and then revisiting the review can yield some real benefits.

  3. Like Bernadette, I am very interested in reviews of Bolton (I have her first on my shelf) and Van de Vlugt, but also McKinty, whose book has been recommended to me recently.

    I wouldn´t be able to remember so many books if I hadn´t taken notes while reading them. My memory just doesn´t work like that - or perhaps I read too much crime fiction ;)

  4. The Peter Rabe is my vote, particularly as Hard Case will be releasing another of his books next month, so it would be nice to see a bit of a Rabe Revival going around the blogs.

  5. Semi: I took this route (asking for suggestions) to force myself to not let books fall through the cracks. I also have a hard time keeping a notebook handy and I agree that keeping one "is the single biggest boost to reviewing productivity." I'd also like to remember to keep post-it tabs handy.

    Burnadette, Dorte, and Cullen: Excellent choices and I have moved them to the top of my reviewing stack. Thanks.

    Cullen: Rabe is terrific isn't he. Stark House Press put me on to him. I'll be sure to look for Stop This Man! since it isn't one of Stark House's two-fers.

  6. Very interested in hearing about the Jerry Stahl, which Irather fancy. Also, would love to hear your take on the Gil Brewer - I really enjoyed both of those - especially A Taste For Sin.

  7. Donna: Jerry Stahl - I enjoyed Pain Killers but one has to fancy dark comedy with characters skirting complete destruction (which I do). It makes me want to get Plainclothes Naked where the main characters first appeared.

    Gil Brewer - I want to read more of his stuff. Stark House has another two-in-one. These two had the feel of 50s black and white noir movies.

    Consider these on the list to be reviewed.

  8. The Stahl sounds right up my dark and warped alley. And the noir movie feel was one of the reasons I enjoyed the Brewer - I do love a good femme fatale.

  9. Personally I'd like to hear about the Havana Black book by Leonardo Padura. It would be interesting to read a good book set in Cuba written by a Cuban. The only one I think I've read has been 'Spy's Fate' by Arnaldo Correa (apparently one of the three founders of Cuban crime fiction according to the back of the book).


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