Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interlude 1—The Schoolboy

While I'm drafting my next book review, Lily Herne's Death of a Saint, here's a different scream out of Africa—two of my grade reports from Waterkloof House School in Pretoria, South Africa. As you can see, I didn't set the academic world ablaze. I blame not being able to make change in British currency. This was before the Rand. Notice there is no grade for Afrikaans. I regret that they decided that an American didn't need to learn the language.

I was also rubbish at sports but I think I looked pretty good in my rugby uniform. Scroll down for photos.

On my way to swimming?

First Day of School


  1. Oh, what spiffy uniforms, Mack! I love these 'photos! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Margot, I thought I'd do something completely different after my last post.


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