Sunday, September 24, 2017

A New Blog...Yes, Another One

I haven't made a blog post in nearly two years.

This seems like a good time, now that I'm retired, to return to blogging. With past efforts, I attempted to focus the blog on very specific subjects, crime fiction and African literature specifically. I found that too limiting and frustrating hence the creation of Mack's Stacks of Books...and stuff which is actually an accurate reflection of what my workroom looks like.

All the posts from previous blogs have migrated here. Those blogs will go away by December 3. I need a clean slate and don't want them lurking in the backgound.

This site is still under construction. The hyena photo in the header was handy when I started playing with header images and will likely change. Maybe. I kind of like it. If you're curious, it was taken by my father in the 1950s in Kruger National Park in South Africa and is not color corrected due to age.

I generally only write about books that I like so positive reviews will predominate. I hate the star system of reviews so I might just say "like and recommmend" or "don't like and don't recommend". We'll see.

I put "...and stuff" in the title to I can post non-book topics without guilt. Nature photographs, for example.

That's it for now.

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